I was watching P!nk on TV last night and was overcome with how bloody brilliant she is, not only as a songwriter, but as a person.
I’ve always liked her music. Her stories that permeate passion and angst (depending on the song) and how she can say something I’m feeling and make it come alive with such beautiful lyrics and music.
So yeah, I love her. 😉
But also I love what she represents. She stands up for her beliefs, isn’t afraid to tell someone if they are doing something crappy.
It got me thinking about my reason for writing.
Obviously the bare bones is that I love writing and want to share that others, but I think there is more to that as well. It’s not only about me, but about the reader, too. I want to explore what women are capable of, not just as a sex object for men (blech), but to explore their own fantasies, dreams and fears.
The Desperately Delicious stories were all about exploring different fantasies. They aren’t just erotica though, they have a story. I saw one review that said they were too PG-13. So yeah. I would agree with that (All Tied Up might be pushing it though).
There was another review that said Stranger Delight was about rape. Um no. Sure she has sex with a stranger (a common fantasy), but not once is she forced to do anything against her will. OF COURSE this wouldn’t happen in real life. That’s why it’s fiction — you can explore fantasies through the safety of words. That’s the point.
(Yeah, expect that I will read my reviews 😉 )
Anyway, back to my point. I’m currently writing the second Feathered book, and it struck me that this series is about much more than just a fun romp with a guy with wings. There is a deeper issue — one about society’s pressure to be with one sort of person, when your heart lie’s with another. This isn’t just about race, but also about gender, reputation, and so on.
Every day I see news reports about couples wanting to be together, but society telling them it’s wrong.
Really? Love is wrong?
I don’t understand it.
So in my way, The Feathered Lover (and the rest of the Feathered series) is really about fighting that pressure that says you can’t be together. It’s about fighting for your right to be with the person you love.
And in my view, that’s never wrong.
t xx
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