Since I wrote Stranger Delight two years ago, I’ve grown as a writer. I’ve learned how story structure works, what makes a good character, I’ve done courses on cliffhangers and openings, and while I’m still not bestseller status (much more practice is required), I’m improving all the time.
It’s for that reason that I wanted to rewrite some of my earlier stories, especially Stranger Delight. I didn’t want to change the story in any way, but I felt it wasn’t doing it’s job effectively anymore.
So I’ve re-written it.
Not extensively – it’s still the same story with the same plot (and the same sexy stranger scene), but I’ve tidied up a few sentences, cut out the head hopping, added chapter breaks (for better pacing), and generally made it an easier read.
The updated version is now on Kindle and Kobo, and will trickle through to B&N and Apple in the coming weeks.
Or you can grab the PDF depending on your reading preferences.
P.S. I also tidied up Double Delight, One Night Stand, and Seducing Samantha. The updated stories, and Desperately Delicious (the collection) that includes those stories, are on Amazon, and will filter through to the other stories soon.
P.S.S. Stranger Delight is being pirated! I’ve noticed that the epub and PDF are on many different torrent sites at the moment which is odd because it’s free on most legitimate sites. But it’s nice to be wanted, I guess (?). 😉
P.S.S.S. I went on a cover buying spree and purchased EIGHT (!) covers for upcoming books/stories. I’m jumping to get started on these and the first should be out at the end of next month. (I’m shelving Feathered #3 for the short term, to fit all the new writing in.)
Hi Tabiltha
Just starting out in this business; not so much the writing business but the writing erotica business. I stumbled upon Danger Delight in Amazon when I was checking to see if I should be writing in US English or Australian English (I’m a Kiwi living in Melbourne). You obviously stick with Aussie English.
I found a typo that I’ve noted if you want it? Did you use a pro-editor for this work. It’s something I’m considering.
Hi Deb,
Yes I did use an editor, but things always slip through 😉 Sure, let me know the typo and I’ll fix.
I alternate between Aussie or US English with books. So far I’ve haven’t noticed a difference in sales/complaints. I think I have more US English than Aussie, but I wonder if my phrasing is a dead giveaway sometimes. I always let people know at the start if I’ve used Aus.
Good luck with writing erotica, it seems my stuff gets more romancey and less sexed up the more I write, but I’m happy with that. Plus it’s fun.
t 🙂