I wrote Stranger Delight many years ago, before I started writing fiction full time. For that reason it’s probably not my best work which is why it’s free, but nevertheless I think it shows potential.
I saw a competition in a men’s magazine that wanted erotic short stories for a competition and I thought, I’m a writer, why not enter? So the first part of Stranger Delight was the entry that I submitted to them.
I don’t actually know what happened to it after then, although I did hear that it got published (I never saw the edition it was in however). But my current boyfriend is convinced he read it in the mag (weird huh!)
It wasn’t until a few years later that I thought I would continue the story and perhaps make it more an adult romance with some back story. And the short story that I’ve just published is that story.
When I stumbled across this old story of mine I figured it was about time I allowed it to be read by others and so have released it in eBook format as a short story.
Since then I’ve gone on to write more stories in the series, with Stranger Delight being the first story from the Desperately Delicious series.
Tabs xx
Get this story and more in the Desperately Delicious Box Set (Seven Erotic Romance Stories). Available now at Amazon
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I loved that short story and I swear it is driving me nuts! I want to know if she had hooked up with Luke or if it was the stranger with the dark eyes. ( I’m rooting for Luke!) I never usually read this kind of story. I’m someone who usually sticks to Paranormal romance type of stories,and I NEVER read short stories, but I ran across your story on a site that has lists of free Kindle books and your product description caught my interest. I am really shocked how much I liked your story and can tell you that if you ever make this a full length novel I will be one of the first in line to buy it. You are the rare type of writer that can write a steamy romance scene and not make it sound like cheap porn. lol. You really do have a great talent in getting someone to like and connect with a character in such I short time. Good luck and hope to see more of your stories in the future.
Thanks so much Mindy! I’ll definitely be writing more this year.
t xx
I loved reading the short story you wrote! I really hope you do get to finish it soon, because it definitely left me hanging for more!
Thanks Heather! t xx
Wow wow. I just finished your short story and I have to say it was the best. Can I say I am more of a visual person, I live on YouTube, prefer the movie version of books and only read non fiction type eBooks when I get an itch. But your short story was vivid, entertaining and keep me swiping my kindle from beginning to end. You have just brought be into the world of reading more short stories just like this. I hope you will write more in the future. I definitely check out the others you have on your site. Thanks